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Islam in Africa

I wish I could write down the journal about our class every week. It has been 3 years for weekend school class and 4 years for Suiyobi tarbiyah class. Alhamdulillah one of our student graduated last March and he is studying in Junior High School now. But, I think I never wrote about the class nor the kids.
The reason is so classic. Soon I went home, my own kids will keep me busy while I got the idea, or I had my "me time", yet I forgot to write about it,
Let's talk about the newest class on last May 8th, Wednesday (Suiyo Tarbiyah) Class. The theme is "Islam in Africa"
Islam World is one of the subject that we learn, together with aqidah, akhlaq, ibadah, and story of the prophets.
When I introduced this topic, one of them asked me, why Africa? Why not Asia? Or other country?
That is interesting so we talk about how after Islam came in Makkah, the second place that got to know Islam was Africa. We talked about the nice King who protected some sahabah there, and become muslim. And how Islam also was spread there during caliph Abubakar ra and Umar bin Khatab ra, as well the dawah after that. And the current condition there. Muslim countries,population, etc.
I forgot the map of Africa, but teaching this made me remember again my geographic subject ^^
I drew the map and the only boy in my class diligently copied in his note. While the girls asked me whether they must draw or not. Hehe...
And the last... Their homework is "To find the prophets who came to Africa". The book said there is 6 prophets. In class we find out that Yusuf as and Musa as were in Egypt. So, we need to find out the others.
Dear mothers and fathers, please help them. And tell them again the stories about these prophets^^
May Allah SWT give our and their hearts the love to other brothers/sisters in Islam. And keep on the dua, even they haven't meet/never meet..


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